Over the last few years, the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) has engaged hundreds of tourism industry professionals from around the world, sharing insights, exchanging ideas, and discussing solutions to some of our most important challenges in sustainable tourism.

We are excited to announce that the GSTC is collaborating with Regenera, our newest addition to the GSTC training partners, with the aim of increasing our training offers in Latin America, and creating new opportunities for Spanish-speaking professionals.

Led by Jorge Moller (Director, Regenera) and GSTC team members, trainers and supporters from across the region, the GSTC and Regenera seek to work with destination organizations and businesses in Latin America – and beyond – to continue developing the STTP, promoting knowledge transfer opportunities, and helping industry stakeholders implement and improve sustainability practices.

For future updates on training opportunities in Spanish / in Latin America, please sign up for the GSTC’s Spanish-language newsletter (Select « GSTC Boletín en Español » under the « Additional Subscription Options »).

About Regenera

Regenera is a non-governmental organization that aims to promote sustainable and regenerative tourism development, with a special emphasis on protecting the cultural and natural resources of local destinations, as well as supporting families and communities where tourism serves as a tool for economic and social development.

About the STTP

The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) training opportunities around the world (both online and in-person) throughout the year for tourism professionals interested and engaged in sustainability. With the aim of strengthening awareness of sustainable tourism in destinations around the world, the training program covers global trends in sustainable tourism and sustainability best practices for businesses and destinations.

See upcoming training options here and contact (training [at] gstcouncil.org) for additional information.