Sustainable Tourism and Responsible Travel Lab ( STaRTlab)

16 12, 2020

Sustainable Tourism for Destinations: Insights from the GSTC Destination Criteria 2.0 for Sustainable Tourism (Part 4 of 4)

2020-12-22T14:00:04+08:0012月 16th, 2020|

Introduction Sustainable Tourism is a set of complex activities. The complexity comes from many different individuals working towards the corresponding goal. Despite the complexity, the benefits of sustainable tourism in destination communities outway the challenges. As communities grapple with the positive and negative effects of tourism, guidance on how to implement sustainable tourism has [...]

16 12, 2020

Sustainable Tourism for Destinations: Insights from the GSTC Destination Criteria 2.0 for Sustainable Tourism (Part 1 of 4)

2020-12-22T13:59:45+08:0012月 16th, 2020|

Introduction Sustainable Tourism is a set of complex activities. The complexity comes from the fact that there are many different individuals working towards the same goal. It is also complicated as there are several activities that must be undertaken at the same time for things to run smoothly. Despite the complexity, the benefits of [...]