If you weren’t able to attend our Global Sustainable Tourism Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, missed out due to simultaneous sessions, or want to revisit your favorite conference sessions, recordings are now available on YouTube!

GSTC2024Sweden videos

#GSTC2024Sweden brought together expert leaders from around the globe to share their insights and engage in meaningful discussions. The event explored a wide range of topics related to Sustainable Tourism, under four main themes: (A) Environment – Climate and Smart Management; (B) Social – Welcoming and Inclusive; (C) Governance – Thriving and Innovative; (D) Credible Assurance.  With a focus on practical solutions and innovative approaches, this conference aimed to inspire and empower stakeholders to embrace sustainability in their tourism endeavors.

By exploring the discussions on and more, attendees gained valuable insights into the latest practices and trends in sustainable tourism.

The recordings of these sessions are now available on the GSTC’s YouTube Channel, allowing participants to revisit the knowledge and inspiration shared during the event.

You can read the press release of the event here. Pictures from the event can be found on our Facebook Albums here. The presentations from each session can be accessed here.

Early-bird registration to the GSTC2024 Global Conference in Sentosa, Singapore (13 – 16 November 2024) has opened! You can register now and secure an early-bird discounted rate.