GSTCサステナブルツーリズム研修プログラム(STTP)、省略して「STTP」はGSTCが提供しているすべての研修プログラムの総称です。現在、GSTCクライテリアは、観光産業向けクライテリア(宿泊施設向けとツアーオペレーター向け) (GSTC-I)と地域向けクライテリア(GSTC-D)があります。研修では、これらのクライテリアの意味を事例などを用いて読み解いていきます。GSTCでは以下の研修プログラムを提供しています。※2024年に新しい国際標準(MICE/Attractionアトラクション)が発表されました。
- サステナブルツーリズム研修コース(対面プライベート/カスタム研修のみ)※定期オンラインコース等はありません。
- プレ研修コース(オンライン、オンラインカスタム)2025年春以降開始予定
- サステナブルツーリズムコース (ST) (英語・スペイン語等 ―オンライン定期コース/プライベート・カスタム対面)
- サステナブルホテルコース(SHC) (英語 – 定期オンラインコース/プライベート・カスタムオンライン及び対面)
- サステナブルビジネストラベル (SBT) (英語 – オンライン) GSTC-Iをベースにしたコース。サステナブルなビジネストラベル(法人の出張やMICEを含む)について学ぶ)
- DEI コース (英語 – オンライン) GSTC基準のセクションBやその他の基準をベースにしたコース。“DEI” =「Diversity ダイバーシティ(多様性)」, 「Equity エクイティ(公平性)」,「Inclusion インクルージョン(包括性)」の頭文字からなる略称。GSTC クライテリアの両セット(GSTC-I, GSTC-D)に含まれる社会問題の幅広さを示す。
✓ 企業や地域におけるサステナブルな取組実施方法について、十分な情報を取得し実施内容を判断していく事ができる
✓ サステナブルな観光を目指し模索している方々と横のつながりができ、実現可能な政策や実践を構築するための準備ができる
- 座学2日間、フィールドワーク(半日)・座学(半日)の合計3日間(終日)の対面研修
- GSTC公認トレーナーのみが実施
- 教室での座学2日間は、基本的なサステナブルツーリズムの知識から始まり、GSTCクライテリアの4つの柱に関する授業を受講しながら、グループディスカッションなども行う
- 最後の1日は、教室の外に出て観光に関わるフィールドにて学び、再度教室に戻りディスカッション等を行う
- 旅行、観光に関わる企業、公的機関、地域組織、NGO、学術機関などに属する個人の方々
- 上記に該当しなくても関心があり、勉強したい方も受講可
- 企業や地域の中においてサステナブルな取り組みを実施していくためのリーダー的存在になる事ができる
- 受講の修了証を得る事ができる ※資格等ではありません
- サステナブルツーリズム試験を受験(任意、別途料金)する事ができる
- サステナブルツーリズム研修を受講し、修了証を取得した方のみが受験可能
- 試験に合格した個人は、the GSTC Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourismを取得できる
- 言語:日本語
- 費用:USD75
- 支払い方法:クレジットカード/PayPalのみ。米ドルのみの支払い
- 試験期間:研修受講後、試験に関するお知らせを受信した日から1週間で支払い及び試験の提出必須
- 試験形式:オンライン試験、選択問題と記述形式 ※研修で使用した資料やウェブサイト等閲覧可能
- 合格スコア:80%以上
連 絡 先 |
開催条件 |
概算費用 |
備 考 | 開催側でご準備いただく事
- 日程:2024年12月3日~5日
- 場所:東京
- 対象者:東京都内の自治体、都内観光関連事業者、エリアマネジメ
ント団体 - 定員:25名 ※応募者多数の場合は抽選となります。
- 申込〆切:11月7日
- 申込・詳細:
jp/news/2024/1007_6309/ - 主催:GSTC、東京観光財団
I can only highly recommend the course for every travel and tourism professional- it is a great motivational boost to get into action and helps me support destinations in bringing the idea of destination stewardship – an inclusive and holistic approach – alive. We do not need more and more tourists, we need sustainable tourism.
Taking the GSTC training at this point in time was extremely valuable. It gave me a sustainable tourism framework to help assess what I’ve been able to accomplish and also consider the role that sustainable experiential travel may mean as we begin to inch our way out of the world of zero tourism towards something likely new and different. One other great benefit of the training was starting to get acquainted and sharing with other participants and instructors from around the globe. These connections will be valuable for a very long time to come.
I found this online course well structured and enjoyable. The trainers are really inspiring, extremely knowledgeable about the field and very supportive. The live online sessions give a great introduction to key topics, and there are online lessons, discussion forums and reference material to deepen knowledge. I feel like I have access to so much wisdom, and it is great to be part of a global community of sustainable tourism practitioners.
Thank you GSTC for such a great course. The content was relevant, the case studies were inspiring and the course structure was spot on! I can’t wait to take my learnings and inspiration and activate it across regional destinations in Australia. Keep up the great work.
What I liked the most about this course is the well-defined structure, the opinion sharing with online classmates, and the up-to-date topics. It makes the experience much more effective and enjoyable.
Excellent course that sets the foundations for sustainable tourism practice.I was very new with sustainable tourism and now after the course I have very solid understanding and skills to apply to my job. In addition, the amazing network of professionals sharing ideas is another great tool!
This course provided me with a thorough understanding of how to implement sustainable travel practices. I will definitely integrate information from this training into my work with travel organizations and destinations to help them achieve short-term progress through a long-term strategy.
The GSTC training provides a comprehensive overview of key indicators for a holistic view of sustainable tourism. The training provided an excellent opportunity to network with other tourism professionals, and to share ideas, develop plans, and comment on sustainable tourism initiatives that are being implemented in a diverse array of locations globally. I’m grateful for the connections that I made and for the helpful feedback on ideas for improving sustainability in several operations.
Useful and inspiring! The way the course is organised with lots of practical experience from colleagues in the tourism sector is indeed the most useful and interesting part of the course, [making it easier] to approach the GSTC criteria.
The GSTC course was really great to me because it gave me an in-depth knowledge about sustainable tourism. The combination of the criteria explanation and the presentation from other experts was really great, as it gave us the know-how, lots of samples and case studies. Before joining this course, I had heard about the term sustainable tourism many times, but [was not sure] what it is all about and how we can achieve it. I am glad to have gained the bigger picture of sustainable tourism. I’m developing my village to be a community based tourism destination, and now I can adopt and apply the standard locally.
A great training program that gives the participants a thorough understanding on the sustainable management of both destinations and individual businesses. Anyone from the industry – from the business or the government side – should understand the bigger picture of the destination level management as well as the industrial level so that both public and private sectors can work together for a more sustainable tourism industry.
The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program provided an up-to-date perspective and holistic approach on the topic. I really enjoyed taking part in the group discussions and hearing about the realities of other destinations and their challenges.
I think the training was very useful and gave me many insights that I will use in my daily work to develop more sustainable tourism. The training class was also a good group for networking.
The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is the most widely recognized institution for offering sustainability courses for tourism professionals.
This is a one-of-a-kind course that provides the tools in getting you started. Not to mention, you’re also collaborating with people and organizations across the globe facing similar challenges. The feedback from fellow students was invaluable and honestly, what better way to tackle some big challenges related to the environment than with people from different countries and backgrounds. I’d take this course again just for those connections!
The [GSTC course] has been a remarkable learning experience and a great introduction to sustainable tourism. The combination of online resources, discussion forums, weekly live events with guest presenters provides a deeper understanding and useful tools in sustainable tourism. The trainers have incredible expertise in both tourism and sustainability and share their knowledge and passion about current sustainability practices. I would highly recommend this course to everyone involved in the tourism industry or have a interest in sustainable tourism.
An excellent programme run by well qualified professional staff and trainers. The guest speakers were world class and materials industry leading. A definite must for any tourism professional who is serious about making sustainable impacts for the betterment of our industry.
Amazing learning experience. Exceeded my expectations by far. Excellently organized and facilitated. Great dynamics in discussions with course participants – so much to learn from. Highly valuable best practices and interactive modules really made the best learning experience I had until now! It really motivated and inspired me to continue on the road of global sustainable tourism.
The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training gave me the tools and network to be able to work for a more sustainable tourism sector in the area where I’m based (South Sweden). The structure with the four principles makes it easy to follow and to discuss also outside the GSTC world. The examples from the other participants were great, and we will continue sharing good and bad examples from destinations all over the world.
To work on sustainability is a never-ending story and can be overwhelming at times. The GSTC training supports a structured approach toward continuous improvement. It provides applicable tools to evaluate our sustainability performance and guidance for setting long-term strategies. It allows you to break down this massive task into achievable working packages.
The GSTC training was a great first touch point for me into the world of sustainable tourism and destination management. I loved hearing case studies from around the world and real life examples on how the GSTC criteria can make a difference. The course has enabled me to start building on these criteria within my job.
The training has enable me to go through all the GSTC Criteria thoroughly with better knowledge of sustainable tourism standard and practices. It will be useful as basic guidelines for the Foundation to use these Criteria, as the destination wants to embark in becoming a sustainable tourism destination, aiming to become GSTC-Certified.
I would definitely recommend GSTC training to absolutely everyone in the tourism industry. The entire [GSTC] framework is extremely useful and important – a framework of values and ideas that is evolving, and that is meant for us a roadmap to make things better for people and companies that may be starting from different points in the journey towards sustainability.
The quality of this training was really first class; materials, presentations, trainer support, resources and discussions. The forum helped keep everything relevant and up to date, and I also liked the format of the live events. All guest presenters were excellent; I liked that they were sharing real life experiences and not just theoretical examples. From each and every live presentation I gained ideas, reinforcements to my own experiences and enthusiasm for what I and my colleagues are doing in our own part of the world.
The STTP programme has been a good introduction to the principles of sustainable tourism. It was a good mix of presentations and cases of sustainable tourism in real-life, insights from experts from various countries and across tourism sectors and explanation of key GSTC criteria. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences and observations through discussion forums and presentations, which made the sessions more lively. The final exam is recommended for those who wish to test their ability to put these principles to practice. I highly recommend this course to tourism industry professionals wishing to incorporate sustainable tourism management at work.
The GSTC training provided me with a deep understanding of the criteria. My fellow classmates were industry experts in various sectors from around the world, bringing the criteria to life with valuable examples/discussions of how they have implemented the very practices we were learning.
My first impression was the organization, it was perfect regarding the admin efforts and the learning tools. The course materials were really useful, as well as the live sessions from which I gained a deep understanding and experience from the other participants. I really want to have the chance to thank all the team who was involved, and of course I would recommend people working in the tourism industry to join this course
The training gave me a clear understanding of the challenges we face and the actions to take to make sustainability effective, [covering] each of the main areas in a systematic way with enough technical detail for those who needed it, without losing the less technical trainees (like myself) who needed to understand the broad overview of sustainable tourism practices
The overview of standards, coupled with best practice and real world examples has been very beneficial for my work in destination management and responsible tourism development. The ability to meet likeminded industry colleagues, who are working in this arena was also highly valuable.
【GSTC プレ研修コース(初心者向け)】
- 初心者向けのGSTCプレ研修コースは、旅行や観光における持続可能性のグローバルな標準を学びたい組織や個人のニーズを満たすように設計されています。本研修コースでは、オンデマンドで自分のペースで進める事のできるオンライン コースとして提供され、サステナブルツーリズムの概念、優良事例、市場動向を提供します。
- グローバルサステナブルツーリズムの全体像を知りたい方、サステナブルツーリズムの国際的なトレンド(動向)を知りたい方
- 観光分野の持続可能性に関わる仕事を始めたい方
- GSTCクライテリアの重要性について知りたい方
- GSTC について聞いた事はあるけれども、よくわからないという方
- 多忙なスケジュールのため、柔軟で便利な学習手段が必要な方
✓ 条件を満たしていれば、受講にかかる費用負担なしで学ぶ事ができる
✓ 地域や参加者対象を特定しているので、同じ立場の参加者と思いを共有しながら学び、ネットワークを広げることができる
✓ 受講の後、学んだことを地域や業界で広げていこうという意思を持つことができる
- 通常のサステナブル研修コースと同様(上記参照)に、座学2日間、フィールドワーク(半日)・座学(半日)の合計3日間(終日)の対面研修
- GSTC公認トレーナーのみが実施
- 政府等の事業の一環でGSTC研修が行われるため、参加対象者は特定の地域や事業体である事が多い
- 参加対象とならない方は、本ページ参照の上、自身が参加対象となる研修に参加を推奨
- 企業や地域の中においてサステナブルな取り組みを実施していくためのリーダー的存在になる事ができる
- 無料で研修を受講する事ができる(参考価格:オンラインGSTC研修 英語 – 1名 USD495)
- 受講の修了証を得る事ができる ※資格等ではありません
- サステナブルツーリズム試験を受験(任意、別途料金)する事ができる
- 政府等の事業の一部として、GSTC研修が実施されることが多く、研修参加にあたり、事業に付随するその他の取り組みについての実施要請などもある場合があるため、事業の概要や受託事業者などに要確認。
開催日時 | 開催場所 | 参加対象者 | 参加方法 | 研修詳細 | 主催 | その他 |
5月13日~ 15日 (終了) | 東京都 | 宿泊事業者、観光関連事業者 | – | – | GSTC、観光庁 |
3月26日~ 28日 (終了) | 日向市 | 日向市の地域の観光・旅行事業者など、観光や地域づくりに関わる方(現段階でのサステナブルツーリズムに関わる活動の有無に関わらず、持続可能な地域づくりに興味のある方) | – | – | GSTC、 日向市体験型観光 コンテンツ造成協議会 |
1月20日~ 22日 (終了) | 広島市 宮島 | 広島及び周辺地域の観光・旅行事業者など、観光や地域づくりに関わる方(現段階でのサステナブルツーリズムに関わる活動の有無に関わらず、持続可能な地域づくりに興味のある方) | – | – | Coデザイン研究所 GSTC、地域創生 |
研修受講者の感想coming soon
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日本でのGSTC研修開催などに関して、ご質問ご不明点等ございましたら、よくある質問Q&Aをご確認の上、GSTC研修 日本担当者まで(日本語でご連絡ください。