Research recommends the European Commission (EC) to promote GSTC recognition of standards and accreditation of certification schemes

The «Research for TRAN Committee – European Tourism Labelling by European Parliament Think Tank» focuses on the current situation in the European Union regarding quality and sustainability labelling in tourism.

There is concern that the existing volume and variety of labels has become a barrier to consumer choice, which in consequence may lead to lost opportunities to increase the competitiveness of the European tourism industry.

The study analyses the possibility of the introduction of an EU standard(s) for tourism services through the initiation of a harmonised EU certification system and the potential for the establishment of a single European tourism label.

The study recommends:  The European Commission (EC) should enter negotiations with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) to establish a joint initiative to promote GSTC recognition of standards and accreditation of certification schemes, with European added-value (p.82).
The report introduces and explains the GSTC (p.51-53), and uses GSTC-Recognized and GSTC-Accredited as a benchmark for the existing EU labels (p.24-26).
As a national best practice, the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism is given as an example, with a reference to its use of the Green Destinations Standard (GSTC-Recognized Standard) and GSTC framework in general (p.69).

Download: Research for TRAN Committee – European Tourism Labelling by European Parliament Think Tank