Cámara Argentina de Turismo (CAT) represents and promotes the interests of the private tourism activity in Argentina, fostering a sustainable development of tourism, coordinating efforts with the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation, the Federal Board of Tourism (CFT) and the National Institute of Tourism Promotion (INPROTUR). It gathers the most important chambers, federations and associations representing the private industries that form part of the tourism activity as a whole, which is an essential socioeconomic activity of argentine economy. Working jointly with the public sector to design tourism policies, the Camara Argentina de Turismo promotes the development of internal tourism and the positioning of Argentina as a main tourist destination in the world. The CAT’s performance brings to life and transforms into actions the spirit of the National Law of Tourism, which defines the Entity as a referent and reliable source in the private sector. Please visit: http://www.camaradeturismo.org.ar/