GSTC Designations of Key Stakeholders
GSTC Assurance Program Stakeholders
GSTC-Accredited Certification Body (ACB)Accredited means that a Certification Body has been verified through a rigorous external review that Logo: GSTC-Accredited Certification Body’s Logo. Click here for more information on how to apply for Accreditation. A list of Accredited Certification Bodies can be found here. |
Certified Hotel by a GSTC-Accredited Certification BodyHotels/accommodations certified by an ACB receive a GSTC logo with a specific code. GSTC sends batches of the codes to ACBs who record the numbers when they distribute to the certified business. The code allows identifying details of the certification. Code details: HA = hotel/accommodation; CB = unique two letters representing the ACB; YY = two-digit year; #### = four-digit serial number. Logo: GSTC Certified logo; example of a logo of a hotel with accredited certification. More information about becoming certified as a sustainable hotel/accommodation can be found here. |
Certified Tour Operator by a GSTC-Accredited Certification BodyTour operators certified by an ACB receive a GSTC logo with a specific code. GSTC sends batches of the codes to ACBs who record the numbers when they distribute to the certified business. The code allows identifying details of the certification. Code details: TO = tour operator; CB = unique two letters representing the ACB; YY = two-digit year; #### = four-digit serial number. Logo: GSTC Certified logo; example of a logo of a tour operator with accredited certification. More information about becoming certified as a sustainable tour operator can be found here. |
Certified Destination by a GSTC-Accredited Certification Body
Code details: D = destination; CB = unique two letters representing the ACB; YY = two-digit year; #### = four-digit serial number. Logo: GSTC Certified logo; example of a logo of a destination with accredited certification. More information about becoming certified as a sustainable destination can be found here. |
GSTC Certification Scheme (CS)For RSOs that separate consultation from certification by having all the certification process and operation done by a GSTC-Accredited Certification Body(s); they must send all 100% of clients seeking certification to gain that certification from an ACB; the ACB(s) need to apply for a scope extension for being accredited to certified to the GSTC-Recognized Standard; the RSO and ACB(s) must have a Certification Scheme Licensing Agreement (CSLA) in place with GSTC; Logo: GSTC Certified logo (for hotel/accommodation, tour operator, or destination according to the standard and scope); the certification document includes the GSTC Certified logo together with the GSTC-Recognized Standard logo and optionally the ACB logo; no other logo outside the certification document. |
GSTC Other Stakeholders
GSTC-AcknowledgedFull implementation of a significant program based on the GSTC Criteria and Assurance Program; For the public sector or multi-faceted private sector players (only TGA in 2023). Logo: various GSTC logos for specific elements in multi-faceted program(s). |
GSTC-CommittedThe GSTC-Committed is a commitment of organizations to include the GSTC Criteria as their policy and/or practice guidelines to their stakeholders or members – such as system service providers, and supply chain by selling, distributing, and contracting. GSTC-Committed does not ensure certification, accreditation, or recognition, but only that the GSTC Criteria is implemented to the organization’s policy, plan, and operation. Therefore, organizations involved in the verification/certification of tourism businesses are not eligible to apply for GSTC-Committed. Logo: GSTC Member logo; there is no specific GSTC-Committed logo. |
GSTC-Recognized Standards‘Standards’ are documents. GSTC-Recognized Standards are sustainable tourism standards that adhere to and are equivalent to the GSTC Criteria. This means that the GSTC Criteria are included within the set of standards owned by a certification body or a local, national, or specialized tourism organization. These are referred to as GSTC-Recognized Standard Owners (RSO). Logo: There is no specific GSTC-Recognized Standards logo, their owners can display other GSTC logos they are otherwise eligible for. |
GSTC SponsorGSTC Sponsors are GSTC Member organizations that provide unrestricted funding to GSTC of $10,000 or more per year. Logo: GSTC Member logo; GSTC Sponsor’s logo appears on GSTC website and at conferences. |
GSTC Member OrganizationAs a not-for-profit organization, the GSTC engages with a worldwide network of members, who represent a wide range of tourism stakeholders – from leading international tour operators to government organizations and national tourism boards, and to local and international hospitality brands. Being a GSTC Member means actively participating in a global community contributing to the important work of the GSTC in promoting the widespread adoption of universal sustainable tourism principles. Membership means engagement with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council and its network; it is not related to certification and membership is not a prerequisite for certification by ACBs. Logo: GSTC Member logo For more information on how to become a GSTC Member click here. |